Cloud Workload Protection Platform CWPP - Aqua Cloud Native Security, Container Security & Serverless Security Mon, 29 Jul 2024 08:45:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Frost Radar for CNAPPs: Why is Aqua the Top Innovation Leader? Thu, 08 Dec 2022 13:48:42 +0000 Frost Radar for CNAPPs: Why is Aqua the Top Innovation Leader?Fifteen vendors. That’s the number of CNAPPs featured in analyst firm Frost & Sullivan’s recent radar for Cloud Native Application Protection Platforms, the first report to rank CNAPP solution providers to come out at this early stage of the market. Not surprisingly to us, Aqua came out on top (or rather, to the right) when …]]> What is a CNAPP and How to Choose the Right One Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:03:46 +0000 What is a CNAPP and How to Choose the Right OneA prospect’s CISO recently asked me: “I’m facing a growing stream of vulnerabilities coming from our CI/CD pipelines on the one hand, while our SecOps team is flooded with alerts and configuration issues from our production environment. How do I reconcile those separate streams and focus on what’s really important?” “Well,” I responded, “funny you …]]> Key Requirements for CWPP (Cloud Workload Protection Platforms) Tue, 19 Oct 2021 09:30:00 +0000 Protecting Cloud VMs for Full-Stack Cloud Native Security Tue, 08 Sep 2020 09:31:58 +0000 Protecting Cloud VMs for Full-Stack Cloud Native SecurityThe management of Virtual Machines (VMs) in the cloud is not like anything else in your cloud native environment. Traditional host-based security methods used for VMs running on physical servers relied on agents to perform functions that simply do not exist in cloud native environments. In addition, cloud instances frequently have OS-level vulnerabilities, configuration violations, …]]> “Thin OS” Security for Container Hosts Tue, 23 Oct 2018 10:48:42 +0000 “Thin OS” Security for Container HostsIn the spectrum of deployment options available for cloud native applications, the most widely used option, at least presently, is running containers on VMs that use the Linux operating system (or less frequently, bare-metal servers running Linux). Since containers share the host OS Linux kernel, securing the host and securing the containerized applications that run …]]> AWS Fargate Security, and The Importance of Immutability Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:23:05 +0000 AWS Fargate Security, and The Importance of ImmutabilityBack in March we announced Aqua MicroEnforcer, a new deployment technology that enabled us to secure runtime workload running on AWS Fargate and Azure Container Instances. Since then we’ve seen a lot of interest from customers who see these services not only as a way to deploy containers on demand for spillover capacity, or for …]]> Securing Struts in AWS Fargate Wed, 29 Nov 2017 14:36:19 +0000 Securing Struts in AWS FargateToday at re:Invent, Amazon is announcing AWS Fargate, a container service that allows you to provision containers in AWS without having to worry about the VM instances for them to run on. We had an early preview, and the opportunity to see how Aqua’s Container Security Platform works to protect containers running in it. In …]]>