Runtime Security - Aqua Cloud Native Security, Container Security & Serverless Security Sun, 11 Aug 2024 08:46:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aqua: Leading the Charge in Container Security Innovation Wed, 13 Mar 2024 06:58:50 +0000 Aqua: Leading the Charge in Container Security InnovationAqua named a leader and an outperformer in GigaOm Container Security Radar  Containerization has revolutionized application development and deployment, providing enterprises with enhanced speed, agility, and consistency across different computing environments. However, this transformation introduces complexities, particularly regarding security. With the increasing adoption of containerized applications, there’s a growing demand for specialized security solutions tailored …]]> Combat Zero-Day Threats with Aqua’s New eBPF Lightning Enforcer Tue, 22 Nov 2022 11:00:00 +0000 Combat Zero-Day Threats with Aqua’s New eBPF Lightning EnforcerWe are excited to announce the latest addition to our portfolio, our eBPF-based Aqua Lightning Enforcer. It’s designed for busy security professionals to detect zero-day attacks and sophisticated threats that occur in runtime. It utilizes eBPF technology, making it more effective, safer, and faster. The new Lightning Enforcer and our Runtime Protection solution is an …]]> Tracee Release: Rules Detect Attackers Out-of-the-Box Thu, 10 Nov 2022 11:00:00 +0000 Tracee Release: Rules Detect Attackers Out-of-the-BoxAqua Tracee is an open source runtime security and forensics tool for Linux. It can help you detect suspicious behavior at runtime using an extensive data collection engine and a sophisticated rules engine. You can further read about the development of Tracee in our blog The Story of Tracee: The Path to Runtime Security Tool. …]]> Detecting Drovorub’s File Operations Hooking with Tracee Mon, 12 Sep 2022 19:38:08 +0000 Detecting Drovorub’s File Operations Hooking with TraceeTwo years ago, the NSA (the United States’ National Security Agency) revealed that Drovorub, an advanced Russian malware created by the GRU 85th GTsSS team, had been discovered targeting Linux systems. Drovorub works by introducing advanced techniques which can manipulate the Linux operation system. It has an advanced kernel rootkit that hooks several kernel functions. In …]]> Intro to Fileless Malware in Containers Thu, 11 Aug 2022 16:49:52 +0000 Intro to Fileless Malware in ContainersA fileless attack is a technique that takes incremental steps toward gaining control of your environment while remaining undetected. In a fileless attack, the malware is directly loaded into memory and executed, evading common defenses and static scanning. Often, attackers may also use compression or encryption to cloak the malware file to avoid detection. Since …]]> Protecting Workloads Against Real-World Attacks With Ease Thu, 04 Aug 2022 15:44:44 +0000 Protecting Workloads Against Real-World Attacks With EaseAttackers are sophisticated, there is always a lag between zero days and mitigation, and production workloads are critical. So why is the adoption of runtime security for cloud native applications still lower than shift-left security practices for the same applications? We will discuss this, along with the solution, in this blog. Earlier this week, we …]]> Stopping a DreamBus Botnet Attack with Aqua’s CNDR Wed, 22 Dec 2021 14:48:01 +0000 Stopping a DreamBus Botnet Attack with Aqua’s CNDRWe recently came across a real-life scenario that is very common for organizations. A developer with admin access launched a cloud native application but made a mistake and misconfigured it with weak credentials. Just 12 hours later, the environment was attacked by the DreamBus botnet, which proceeded to evade defenses and run Kinsing malware and …]]> The Story of Tracee: The Path to Runtime Security Tool Thu, 07 Oct 2021 13:59:57 +0000 The Story of Tracee: The Path to Runtime Security TooleBPF technology is seeing strong growth, being widely adopted in the cloud native ecosystem for monitoring, networking, and security goals. At Aqua, along with being used in commercial products, eBPF powers our open source project Tracee to detect events in running containers. Recently, we released Tracee version 0.6.0, which brings many new features, improves Tracee-eBPF’s …]]> Detect and Prevent Exploits in Runtime with Vulnerability Shielding Wed, 07 Jul 2021 10:09:41 +0000 Detect and Prevent Exploits in Runtime with Vulnerability ShieldingA single vulnerability in one of the code dependencies can put an entire application at risk, yet 48% of organizations knowingly push vulnerable code into production regularly. With a heavy reliance on open source software to build applications, patching a myriad of vulnerabilities has become an extremely hard and time-consuming task. It’s not always possible, …]]> Top 22 Docker Security Best Practices: Ultimate Guide Thu, 01 Jul 2021 09:30:00 +0000 Top 22 Docker Security Best Practices: Ultimate GuideWhile Docker has become synonymous with containers, various container tools and platforms have emerged to make the process of developing and running containers more efficient. Still, a lot of the same principles around Docker security apply for protecting container-based applications built with other tools as well. We compiled 20 essential Docker security best practices into …]]>