Secrets - Aqua Cloud Native Security, Container Security & Serverless Security Sun, 11 Aug 2024 09:07:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kubernetes Secrets: How to Create, Use, and Secure Them Mon, 15 Apr 2024 12:27:00 +0000 Kubernetes Secrets: How to Create, Use, and Secure ThemIf you deploy applications using Kubernetes – a platform that 96 percent of companies today report either using or considering – you’ll inevitably need to manage secrets securely inside Kubernetes. In some ways, this is a challenging task. Although Kubernetes provides some built-in capabilities to help manage secrets securely, these features have their limitations – …]]> Aqua CyberArk Conjur Certification: Making DevSecOps Easier Thu, 27 Oct 2022 16:49:12 +0000 Aqua CyberArk Conjur Certification: Making DevSecOps EasierAqua Security is excited to announce that our newly certified integration with CyberArk Conjur Secrets Manger for both Conjur Secrets Manger Enterprise and Conjur Secrets Manager Open Source is now available in the CyberArk Marketplace. This integration makes it even easier for Aqua Security customers to inject secrets that are managed, audited, rotated, and protected …]]> Why You Shouldn’t Use Config Maps to Store Sensitive Data in K8s Wed, 28 Apr 2021 12:14:03 +0000 Why You Shouldn’t Use Config Maps to Store Sensitive Data in K8sOne of the challenges of managing containerized environments is how to store sensitive information that’s needed for the operation of the applications running in those environments. Kubernetes provides a built-in secrets object type, but a common comment about them is that, from a technical standpoint, they’re just the same as other object types like Config …]]> Kubernetes 1.10: What’s New in Security Mon, 09 Apr 2018 08:33:10 +0000 Kubernetes 1.10: What’s New in SecurityKubernetes 1.10 was officially released recently, with many new enhancements and improvements. This version of Kubernetes, which is lighter on the security side compared to the recent 1.9 and 1.8 releases that were very security focused, offers several new worthy security related features. Limit node access to the API In 1.10 you can  limit node …]]> Securing Container Workloads on AWS with Aqua Thu, 28 Sep 2017 14:11:14 +0000 Securing Container Workloads on AWS with AquaMany of our customers run container workloads on AWS – hardly surprising given Amazon’s lead position in the cloud market. But AWS also offers some distinct advantages to those running containers, including a set of highly-integrated services that take the pain away from managing deployments. Aqua has supported container deployments on AWS pretty much since …]]> Multi-Tenant Security Management for Containers Fri, 30 Jun 2017 17:17:42 +0000 Multi-Tenant Security Management for ContainersAqua CNAPP is focused on making the platform more scalable for our customer deployments, which include some of the world’s largest container setups. Multi-Tenancy Management The biggest new addition in Aqua 2.5 is multi-tenancy, which provides a common architecture and UI for managing multiple tenancies, while also delegating some management capabilities to the tenant level. …]]> Injecting Secrets – Kubernetes,  HashiCorp Vault and Aqua on Azure Wed, 19 Apr 2017 05:00:00 +0000 Injecting Secrets – Kubernetes,  HashiCorp Vault and Aqua on AzureOne of the neat features of the Aqua Security solution is the ability to inject secrets into the environment of a running container, so that they never get written to disk. In this article I’m setting up an Aqua installation on Azure, using Kubernetes as the orchestrator and HashiCorp Vault as the secrets store, so …]]> The Challenges of Docker Secrets Management Thu, 02 Feb 2017 09:52:38 +0000 The Challenges of Docker Secrets ManagementIn our many conversations with customers, Docker secrets management has come up as a particularly thorny issue that seemed to lack an elegant, cross-platform solution for container environments. Not a new issue in the enterprise space, especially as pertains to large-scale DevOps environments, the challenges of managing secrets become amplified in container environments. Verboten Shortcuts …]]>